Ms. Scheel
Thank you and be well.
- Earn 50 credits in 8th grade (5 credits per class earned with a passing grade of "D" or better)
- Clear all financial obligations with the school (Student Store, Textbook Room, and Library)
- A student must demonstrate good character and citizenship, and satisfactorily complete a course of study as prescribed by the Board of Education of the Los Angeles Unified School District and the State of California
- To participate in the culmination activity, eighth grade students must meet all LAUSD requirements and school site criteria to earn a Certificate of Completion
- To earn a Certificate of Completion, students will be evaluated based on the marks and credits earned in the eighth grade. Students will earn 5 credits for passing each semester course with a "D" or better. Grades from all subject areas will be used to determine credits earned in eighth grade
Hello, LAUSD families—we have an important announcement! Your student can get 1-to-1 homework help, tutoring, and test prep through at no cost. The service is available 24/7 in a wide variety of subjects, including math, science, writing, AP®, and more. Students can log in through Schoology to connect with a tutor quickly—24/7, day or night. Visit for more information.
Buenos días familias del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los Ángeles (LAUSD por sus siglas en inglés), ¡Tenemos un anuncio importante! Por medio de y sin costo alguno, su hijo/a estudiante puede obtener ayuda individual con la tarea, tutoría y/o preparación para exámenes. Este servicio está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, con una amplia variedad de materias incluidas como matemáticas, ciencias, escritura, AP® y más. Para conectarse rápidamente con un tutor durante las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, de día o de noche; los estudiantes pueden iniciar sesión a través de Schoology. Para obtener más información, visite