Ms. Jacobson
Course Description:
We will apply the skills we learn with CCSS and apply them to Twain and Shakespeare, Montesquieu and Rousseau, Chaucer and Tolkien, and other novelists, poets, diarists and philosophers. We will write poetry, learn writing structures, and do open-ended, as well as, cross-curricular projects. We will learn grammar and writing structures in English hour, then apply comprehension and writing skills to History.
Grading: Grades accumulate for an entire semester and are weighted:
Classwork 20%
Papers 55%
Presentations/ 25%
Homework 5%
Classwork 30%
RLAH 20%
Exams 30%
Projects 15%
Materials Needed:
Composition book for English
Book Cover for History
Binder and paper (or spiral and folders to hold handouts)
Dark blue or black pens (work is not accepted in any other color)
Red ink pen
No. 2 Pencil and eraser
Novels to read (of your choice)
Course Textbooks:
World History: National Geographic Medieval through Modern Times **
Access to online textbook through Schoology. Go to your period and materials. Click on World History 7.
NG Field Journal and Knowledge, Concepts, and Skills workbooks
RLAH - Read Like A Historian (online)
StudySync McGraw-Hill **
A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare (will read aloud in class)
Assigned Novels:
The Prince and the Pauper (unabridged version)– Mark Twain
The Shakespeare Stealer – Gary Blackwood
The Hobbit – JRR Tolkien
**These will be kept in the classroom unless they need to catch up on the work. They will be expected to bring back to class the following day.